My son West was born in our bedroom on a sunny afternoon in December 2010. A calmness filled the air when he come into the world, few things outside of the room and the birth experience could enter my mind and awareness when we first met. It was one of those experiences that captured every ounce of attention and emotion within me. Soon after his birth the reality of our place in the world, and the condition of the world my son had just been born into started to present itself to me. My ears became aware of the freeway only miles away roaring in the distance and the power poles lining our street buzzing in a constant hum of delivery. Soon I was aware of the cellphone in the midwife's pocket emitting invisible signals into the otherwise peaceful air. We are born into a commotion so normal that it is difficult to contemplate how much is at work at all times, every moment of every day.
This song is the first song I wrote after West's birth and the first song I have written for West. He is still too young to know what it is I am singing to him, but he understands rhythm and melody, and he tells me this in the way he shakes his hips, bends his knees, and rocks his head while he dances.
digging, sir. love, adamg